Every semester I find myself with the same anxious lack of confidence in my abilty as a programmer. I dread my classes all while knowing that the previous semester I passed with A’s. And yet every year I panic. When I learned that for ICS 314 we would be learning all kinds of new material using a technique called athletic software engineering, I immediately told myself I was not going to survive the course. Hearing the rumors about its difficulty and pass rate also didn’t exaclty boost my confidence. I was even more worried after the first class. Nonetheless, after completing the first module, creating a portfolio, and completing my first software engineer Workout of the Day(WOD), my thought process changed.
I have survidved my first week of ICS 314 at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Not only did I survive, but I did very well in my opinion. Learning Javascript, having no previous exprience with it, made me nervous. However, I have found that all the hard work I have put in to my previous classes allowed me to pick up the new language quickly. I even find Javascript more enoyable than C++ and Java. I’ve found that it is a language that helps the programmer build efficient and concise projects.
The part that I thought would scare me the most about the course, has actually become my favorite. I was worried about the athletic software engineering approach, however after completeing my first week of assigments and my first successful WOD, I found the process somewhat familiar. I realized I did well because the teaching style is extremely helpful when taken advantage of and one of my previous professors taught similiarly. While we didn’t do WOD’s in my C++ course at Orange Coast College, the tests and quizzes were similar. My professor at the time set me up for success because she knew it was a beneficial way of teaching the information and that has since made me a detailed CS student. Now with ICS 314, which I know will still be challenging, I have gained confidence in my ability to improve my skills as a computer scientist by exercising my athletic software engineering ingenuity. I can’t wait to set myself up for success further down the road by challenging myself during this course.