The Key To The Door Design patterns are like unique keys to forming a solution for different problems. Each key unlocks a different door, or recurring problem. Without the key you could still bust down the door to th other...
Why Use a UI Framework? After doing some light research I found that one of the main reasons people use UI frameworks is because they often allow someone to build a basic project quickly and in a uniform manner. Most...
Are Coding Standards Helpful? I find that students often view coding standards as a pain in the ass. They seem like they slow the learning process of learning new programming languages. They sometimes feel restricting and in the way of...
Asking Well Thought Out Questions A common problem found on online forums pertaining to computer science, or really any subject, is that they are filled with throw-away, lazy questions. More often than not when researching a problem the results are...
Every semester I find myself with the same anxious lack of confidence in my abilty as a programmer. I dread my classes all while knowing that the previous semester I passed with A’s. And yet every year I panic. When...