Design patterns are like unique keys to forming a solution for different problems. Each key unlocks a different door, or recurring problem. Without the key you could still bust down the door to th other side. You could you tools to break down the door or completely destroy it. Maybe the door is made out of metal and requires more effort and tools to break through. If every door is different, a person who knows how to break through a wooden door may not know the most efficient way to break through a metal door. However, if everyone had the keys, or design patters, to the different types of doors, or recurring problems, they could all open the doors easier and the say way. While hopefully not confusing, the keys and doors resemble what I understand design patterns to be. They are different reusable solutions to recurring problems. They create a base which everyone working on a project understands and can be built upon to produce a unique product. Having a template of which everyone understands and works with allows a project to be completed efficiently and much easier than using brute force.
For this whole semester every assignment we’ve worked on has built upon the previous. Without even knowing it, the athletic programming we were all doing was helping us recognize recurring problems and using recognizable solutions to take care of them. Without even knowing it we were learning design patterns. After learning about different design patterns somewhat in depth, I was able to identify certain parts of our assignments that followed them. I recognized the use of Protoytpe Design Patter, Observer Pattern, Singleton Collection, and Factory. Having learned what I have through our assignments, I was able to understand the design patterns easier. Now I have the keys to the doors, so I won’t need to be destroying doors anytime soon.